March of the PenguinsModels of penguin appear in iconic locations in several cities, as part of Greenpeace campaign for the establishment of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. The sanctuary would be a safe haven for penguins, whales and seals, putting the waters off-limits to the industrial fishing vessels sucking up the tiny shrimp-like krill which Antarctic life relies on. The benefits of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary would be global. Healthy oceans sustain precious wildlife, help limit climate change and provide food security for billions of people.© Greenpeace
Penguins on an IcebergPenguins on an iceberg. Pinguine auf einem Eisberg in der Antarktis.© Greenpeace / Steve Morgan
Iceberg in Southern OceanAn iceberg on-route to Antarctica. The Greenpeace ship MY Esperanza is on her route towards Antarctica through the icy reaches of the Southern Ocean. This is the end of the 14 month Defending Our Oceans expedition which was started by a trip to the Southern Ocean to confront the Japanese government's whaling fleet in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. At the end of this expedition Greenpeace return to the whale sanctuary to, once again, defend the whales. Despite a moratorium on commercial whaling, the hunt for whale meat continues through the loophole of "scientific purposes".© Greenpeace / Daniel Beltrá
Adeli Penguins in the Southern OceanA group of Adeli Penguins are seen here in the Antarctic sea ice of the Southern Ocean.© Greenpeace / Jiri Rezac
Ice blink - Southern OceanAn Ice blink (reflection of the pack ice into the clouds) over the Southern Ocean. The Arctic Sunrise is in the Southern Ocean as part of the ‘Defending Our Oceans Tour’ to document and disrupt the continued whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Greenpeace is using every available peaceful means to bring the hunt to an early end and make it the last time the Sanctuary is breached by the whalers.© Greenpeace / Kate Davison
March of the Penguins in Berlin "March of the Penguins" in BerlinModels of penguin appear in iconic locations in several cities, as part of Greenpeace campaign for the establishment of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. The sanctuary would be a safe haven for penguins, whales and seals, putting the waters off-limits to the industrial fishing vessels sucking up the tiny shrimp-like krill which Antarctic life relies on. The benefits of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary would be global. Healthy oceans sustain precious wildlife, help limit climate change and provide food security for billions of people. Im Rahmen der Greenpeace-Kampagne zur Etablierung eines antarktischen Meeresschutzgebietes, tauchen in mehreren Staedten Pinguin-Modelle an symboltraechtigen Orten auf. Das Schutzgebiet waere ein sicherer Zufluchtsort für Pinguine, Wale und Robben und wuerde den industriellen Fischereifahrzeugen Einhalt gebieten, welche in großen Mengen Krill fangen und somit den Meerestieren ihre Hauptnahrungsquelle rauben. Die Vorteile eines antarktischen Meeresschutzgebietes waeren außerdem global. Gesunde Ozeane tragen zur Begrenzung des Klimawandels bei.© Bente Stachowske / Greenpeace
March of the Penguins in Hamburg "March of the Penguins" in HamburgModels of penguin appear in iconic locations in several cities, as part of Greenpeace campaign for the establishment of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. The sanctuary would be a safe haven for penguins, whales and seals, putting the waters off-limits to the industrial fishing vessels sucking up the tiny shrimp-like krill which Antarctic life relies on. The benefits of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary would be global. Healthy oceans sustain precious wildlife, help limit climate change and provide food security for billions of people. Im Rahmen der Greenpeace-Kampagne zur Etablierung eines antarktischen Meeresschutzgebietes, tauchen in mehreren Staedten Pinguin-Modelle an symboltraechtigen Orten auf. Das Schutzgebiet waere ein sicherer Zufluchtsort für Pinguine, Wale und Robben und wuerde den industriellen Fischereifahrzeugen Einhalt gebieten, welche in großen Mengen Krill fangen und somit den Meerestieren ihre Hauptnahrungsquelle rauben. Die Vorteile eines antarktischen Meeresschutzgebietes waeren außerdem global. Gesunde Ozeane tragen zur Begrenzung des Klimawandels bei.© Bente Stachowske / Greenpeace
March of the Penguins in Buenos AiresModels of penguin appear in iconic locations in several cities, as part of Greenpeace campaign for the establishment of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. The sanctuary would be a safe haven for penguins, whales and seals, putting the waters off-limits to the industrial fishing vessels sucking up the tiny shrimp-like krill which Antarctic life relies on. The benefits of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary would be global. Healthy oceans sustain precious wildlife, help limit climate change and provide food security for billions of people.© Martin Katz / Greenpeace
March of the Penguins in BarcelonaModels of penguin appear in iconic locations in several cities, as part of Greenpeace campaign for the establishment of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. The sanctuary would be a safe haven for penguins, whales and seals, putting the waters off-limits to the industrial fishing vessels sucking up the tiny shrimp-like krill which Antarctic life relies on. The benefits of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary would be global. Healthy oceans sustain precious wildlife, help limit climate change and provide food security for billions of people.© Greenpeace / Ana Jimenez
March of the Penguins - Stockholm, SwedenModels of penguin appear in iconic locations in several cities, as part of Greenpeace campaign for the establishment of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. The sanctuary would be a safe haven for penguins, whales and seals, putting the waters off-limits to the industrial fishing vessels sucking up the tiny shrimp-like krill which Antarctic life relies on. The benefits of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary would be global. Healthy oceans sustain precious wildlife, help limit climate change and provide food security for billions of people.© Jana Eriksson / Greenpeace
March of the Penguins in Seoul, KoreaPenguin model visits historical landmark, Gwanghwamun Gate and Gwanghwamun Square, tourist mode on.© David Jaemin Byun / Greenpeace
March of the Penguins, London, UKModels of penguins appear in London and around the world, as part of Greenpeace campaign for the establishment of an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. The sanctuary would be a safe haven for penguins, whales and seals, putting the waters off-limits to industrial fishing.© Will Rose / Greenpeace
March of the Penguins in Seoul, KoreaPenguin model arrives Han river, a big river that divides Seoul from east to west, at the end of a day.© David Jaemin Byun / Greenpeace